Come And Hear My Twisted Lies,
The Way I Bend And Falsify
A Master Of Deception,
User Of An Untrue Smile
A Rapist Of The Truth,
Adapting It To Fit My Cause
I'm The Human Lie,
A Sad Composition Of All Things Vile
Come And Read My Tainted Lies.
Come See My Wretched,
Tainted Mind
Bury, Cover Up, Repress.
I Betray The People I "Possess"
What Ever Enemy - I'll Disable With Mendacity
I Make My Way,
Extend My Ground,
I Clear My Future-Path
When It Comes To Joys,
Manipulation Is My Game Of Choice
How I Shine. I ...
The Perfect Freak.
Confide In Me
Me... Believe In Me
My Intentions Soon You Will See
The Sway Of My Scheme, Imposed Upon All
Come Follow Me, My Puppets To Be,
I'll Attach My Strings, Manipulation Begins
Sane Me
Sane Me
Sane Me
Sane Me
I'm The Way, I'm The Truth
Gather With Me, I'm The Future Guide
Sane Me
Sane Me
Sane Me
Sane Me
Gather With Me, Join My Ministry
I'm The Way, The Future Guide
I'm The Self-Acclaimed God Of Wicked Games
Sinister, Repugnant Bringer Of Pain
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Conditions Of Tyranny
"Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
"Under conditions of tyranny it is far easier to act than to think."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
Harmonia Insignificante
"Há uma timidez do mundo exterior, uma estranha hesitação em pôr em contacto com ele aquilo que realmente somos. Assim, gradualmente, tornamo-nos dois - um homem interior, encerrado nos seus sentimentos e pensamentos mais profundos, e - para usar uma linguagem de certo modo excessiva -, afastado da manifestação; e um homem exterior, feito pelas circunstâncias e ocasiões, que , se essas circunstâncias e ocasiões forem opostas à sua natureza interior, será, não só dois homens, mas dois homens opostos um ao outro. A santidade absoluta e a vilania absoluta podem existir no mesmo homem. A firmeza e a inconsequência podem viver lado a lado nele. A mais alta nobreza e a mais ignóbil maldade podem ser irmãs no seu íntimo. Eis por que não imagino apenas que Shakespeare deve ter sido uma pessoa particularmente desinteressante na sua vida privada, ou deve ter acabado os seus dias como usurário; eu devia estar perfeitamente à espera disso, como se tivesse sido provado um facto histórico. A tese de Bacon baseia-se num enorme erro filosófico - a incapacidade de ver que, quanto maior é um homem, mais pequeno ele é; e que não pode haver harmonia exterior a não ser que haja pouca coisa para harmonizar."
Fernando Pessoa
"Há uma timidez do mundo exterior, uma estranha hesitação em pôr em contacto com ele aquilo que realmente somos. Assim, gradualmente, tornamo-nos dois - um homem interior, encerrado nos seus sentimentos e pensamentos mais profundos, e - para usar uma linguagem de certo modo excessiva -, afastado da manifestação; e um homem exterior, feito pelas circunstâncias e ocasiões, que , se essas circunstâncias e ocasiões forem opostas à sua natureza interior, será, não só dois homens, mas dois homens opostos um ao outro. A santidade absoluta e a vilania absoluta podem existir no mesmo homem. A firmeza e a inconsequência podem viver lado a lado nele. A mais alta nobreza e a mais ignóbil maldade podem ser irmãs no seu íntimo. Eis por que não imagino apenas que Shakespeare deve ter sido uma pessoa particularmente desinteressante na sua vida privada, ou deve ter acabado os seus dias como usurário; eu devia estar perfeitamente à espera disso, como se tivesse sido provado um facto histórico. A tese de Bacon baseia-se num enorme erro filosófico - a incapacidade de ver que, quanto maior é um homem, mais pequeno ele é; e que não pode haver harmonia exterior a não ser que haja pouca coisa para harmonizar."
Fernando Pessoa
Quebra de Atenção
Saio á rua
Lua nova nua
eis de novo velhos medos
Rais me parta
Morra lá quem for mas farta
P'ra ti não
Não há segredos
Uma quebra
De atenção tontura
Nem eu sei
Ao certo o que é
Saiu á rua
Luva nova nua
Pé ante pé
É um só ou quantos são
Olhas não nos vês
Vá conta até três
Estendes os braços em vão
Vá conta até três
Fica p'ra outra vez
Saio á rua
Quebra de atenção
Venha lá seja quem for
Saio á rua
Nua e crua d'antemão
Seja o que for
Rádio Macau
Saio á rua
Lua nova nua
eis de novo velhos medos
Rais me parta
Morra lá quem for mas farta
P'ra ti não
Não há segredos
Uma quebra
De atenção tontura
Nem eu sei
Ao certo o que é
Saiu á rua
Luva nova nua
Pé ante pé
É um só ou quantos são
Olhas não nos vês
Vá conta até três
Estendes os braços em vão
Vá conta até três
Fica p'ra outra vez
Saio á rua
Quebra de atenção
Venha lá seja quem for
Saio á rua
Nua e crua d'antemão
Seja o que for
Rádio Macau
After The Revolution
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
"The most radical revolutionary will become a conservative the day after the revolution."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
The Mirror And The Parakeet
"I had a parakeet when I was a kid, that was the only pet that I really enjoyed. We used to let him out of his cage, and he would fly around and my mother had built, one entire wall of our living room was mirrored. She felt this gives you a feeling of space. Have you ever heard this interior design principle that a
mirror makes it seem like you have an entire other room? What kind of a jerk walks up to a mirror and goes, "Hey look, there's a whole nother room in there. There's a guy in there looks just like me." But the parakeet will fall for this, you'll let him out of his cage, he flies around the room, BANG! With his little head, he would just go 'click' Ohh! And I'd always think, even if he thinks the mirror is another room, why doesn't he at least try to avoid hitting the other parakeet?"
"I had a parakeet when I was a kid, that was the only pet that I really enjoyed. We used to let him out of his cage, and he would fly around and my mother had built, one entire wall of our living room was mirrored. She felt this gives you a feeling of space. Have you ever heard this interior design principle that a
mirror makes it seem like you have an entire other room? What kind of a jerk walks up to a mirror and goes, "Hey look, there's a whole nother room in there. There's a guy in there looks just like me." But the parakeet will fall for this, you'll let him out of his cage, he flies around the room, BANG! With his little head, he would just go 'click' Ohh! And I'd always think, even if he thinks the mirror is another room, why doesn't he at least try to avoid hitting the other parakeet?"
I Am The Wooden Doors
When all is withered and torn
And all has perished and fallen
These great wooden doors shall remain closed. . .
When the heart is a grave filled with blood
And the soul is a cold and haunted shall of lost hope
When the voice of pride has been silenced
And dignity's fires are but cinders
. . .their grandeur shall remain untainted
It is this grandeur that protects the spirit within
From the plight of this broken world, from the wounds in her song
I wish to die with my will and spirit intact
The will that inspired me to write these words
Seek not the fallen to unlock these wooden doors
When all is withered and torn
And all has perished and fallen
These great wooden doors shall remain closed. . .
When the heart is a grave filled with blood
And the soul is a cold and haunted shall of lost hope
When the voice of pride has been silenced
And dignity's fires are but cinders
. . .their grandeur shall remain untainted
It is this grandeur that protects the spirit within
From the plight of this broken world, from the wounds in her song
I wish to die with my will and spirit intact
The will that inspired me to write these words
Seek not the fallen to unlock these wooden doors
"Equality...is the result of human organization. We are not born equal."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
"Equality...is the result of human organization. We are not born equal."
Hannah Arendt - US (German-born) historian & social philosopher (1906 - 1975)
Marge: Bart, would you like to say grace?
Bart: Yesum! [Bart says grace in Latin]
Homer: What the hell was that?
Lisa: Bart's speaking Latin, the language of Plutarc.
Homer: [looks blankly] Mickey Mouse's dog?
The Simpsons
Marge: Bart, would you like to say grace?
Bart: Yesum! [Bart says grace in Latin]
Homer: What the hell was that?
Lisa: Bart's speaking Latin, the language of Plutarc.
Homer: [looks blankly] Mickey Mouse's dog?
The Simpsons
I wanna tell you a story
It happened long ago
About a redneck boy
Down from tupelo
I got the slick black hair
I played a rock guitar
I liked to shake my hips, man
Then i went too far
He ate his weight in country ham,
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
I had a lot of girls
I had a lot of guns
When they found me dead
The whole world was stunned
Went to the pearly gates
Said, "I'm here to sing!"
And Peter said "Well son,
We already got ourselves a king"
He lived on southern deep-fried spam,
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
He finished his short life,
Sweaty and bloated and stoned
He ruled his domain and he died on the throne
No "Yes-Men", no colonel, he went...
...all alone...
(Hey, man, that looks like me down there on the floor)
I heard the devil cry
Real loud and clear
"You were the big man, there
You're just a sideman here
Well, I know your face
And I've heard your name
Looks like heaven's loss
Is gonna be my gain"
(I've got plans for you, man)
He ate his weight in country ham
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
Well, I woke up, right here
In dis-grace-land
Thank ya. Thank ya very much
Alice Cooper
I wanna tell you a story
It happened long ago
About a redneck boy
Down from tupelo
I got the slick black hair
I played a rock guitar
I liked to shake my hips, man
Then i went too far
He ate his weight in country ham,
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
I had a lot of girls
I had a lot of guns
When they found me dead
The whole world was stunned
Went to the pearly gates
Said, "I'm here to sing!"
And Peter said "Well son,
We already got ourselves a king"
He lived on southern deep-fried spam,
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
He finished his short life,
Sweaty and bloated and stoned
He ruled his domain and he died on the throne
No "Yes-Men", no colonel, he went...
...all alone...
(Hey, man, that looks like me down there on the floor)
I heard the devil cry
Real loud and clear
"You were the big man, there
You're just a sideman here
Well, I know your face
And I've heard your name
Looks like heaven's loss
Is gonna be my gain"
(I've got plans for you, man)
He ate his weight in country ham
Killed on pills and woke in disgraceland
Well, I woke up, right here
In dis-grace-land
Thank ya. Thank ya very much
Alice Cooper
Just Give Me
"Give me where to stand, and I will move the earth."
Archimedes, 300 B.C. - Greek inventor, mathematician, & physicist (287 BC - 212 BC)
"Give me where to stand, and I will move the earth."
Archimedes, 300 B.C. - Greek inventor, mathematician, & physicist (287 BC - 212 BC)
Saving Movies
George: I have nothing to say to anybody. I'm so uninteresting. I think I'm out of conversation.
Jerry: So why are calling me six times a day?
George: All I know about is sports. That's it. No matter how depressed I get, I could always read the sports section.
Jerry: I could read the sports section if my hair was on fire.
George: Know what? Ponce De Leon is sold out.
Jerry: It is? Oh yeah, you're right. What else is playing?
George: Nothing except Prognosis Negative.
Jerry: Boy, I know she really wants to see that with me.
George: I mean, I could understand if there was something else playing, but it's this or nothing.
Jerry: I don't know what to do.
George: What is this 'saving movies' thing? Something's playing, you go.
Jerry: I know, I know.
George: So, what? We're gonna do nothing now, this is crazy.
Jerry: It is kind of silly.
George: Of course it is.
Jerry: I mean, it's just a movie, for god's sake.
George: Exactly.
Jerry: It's not like she's *in* the movie.
George: Right.
Jerry: Am I supposed to ruin the whole night because she wants to see it? I mean, if I could have seen it with her, fine. But I can't control all these circumstances and schedules and peoples' availabilities at movies.
George: And she'll still see it, you're not stopping her from seeing it.
Jerry: How does sitting next to a person in a movie theater increase the level of enjoyment? You can't talk during a movie. You know, this is stupid, c'mon, let's just go.
George: Good.
Jerry: Saving movies.
George: Ridiculous!
Jerry: (aproaches ticket window) Two for Prognosis Negative. (leaves ticket window)I'm in trouble.
George: Oh, you're dead.
George: I have nothing to say to anybody. I'm so uninteresting. I think I'm out of conversation.
Jerry: So why are calling me six times a day?
George: All I know about is sports. That's it. No matter how depressed I get, I could always read the sports section.
Jerry: I could read the sports section if my hair was on fire.
George: Know what? Ponce De Leon is sold out.
Jerry: It is? Oh yeah, you're right. What else is playing?
George: Nothing except Prognosis Negative.
Jerry: Boy, I know she really wants to see that with me.
George: I mean, I could understand if there was something else playing, but it's this or nothing.
Jerry: I don't know what to do.
George: What is this 'saving movies' thing? Something's playing, you go.
Jerry: I know, I know.
George: So, what? We're gonna do nothing now, this is crazy.
Jerry: It is kind of silly.
George: Of course it is.
Jerry: I mean, it's just a movie, for god's sake.
George: Exactly.
Jerry: It's not like she's *in* the movie.
George: Right.
Jerry: Am I supposed to ruin the whole night because she wants to see it? I mean, if I could have seen it with her, fine. But I can't control all these circumstances and schedules and peoples' availabilities at movies.
George: And she'll still see it, you're not stopping her from seeing it.
Jerry: How does sitting next to a person in a movie theater increase the level of enjoyment? You can't talk during a movie. You know, this is stupid, c'mon, let's just go.
George: Good.
Jerry: Saving movies.
George: Ridiculous!
Jerry: (aproaches ticket window) Two for Prognosis Negative. (leaves ticket window)I'm in trouble.
George: Oh, you're dead.
I Am No One
am no one to say
tomorrow i'll have the chid inside me
and if you want me for a friend
go change the world but dont forget your brother
and if you need me to be there
just run the chain and dont forget to choke me
i am no one. make me someone
i am no one. make me someone
as i wonder
makes me wonder
but need thy discover
tomorrow's the day when nighttime
engulfs your holy father oh yes
and sunday the day you beg for forgivness with no sorrow.
i am no one make me someone
i am no one make me someone
as i wonder makes me wonder
am no one to say
tomorrow i'll have the chid inside me
and if you want me for a friend
go change the world but dont forget your brother
and if you need me to be there
just run the chain and dont forget to choke me
i am no one. make me someone
i am no one. make me someone
as i wonder
makes me wonder
but need thy discover
tomorrow's the day when nighttime
engulfs your holy father oh yes
and sunday the day you beg for forgivness with no sorrow.
i am no one make me someone
i am no one make me someone
as i wonder makes me wonder
"Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice."
"Where you find the laws most numerous, there you will find also the greatest injustice."
Bart Simpson: I want to be emancipated!
Homer Simpson: Emancipated? Don't you like being a dude?
The Simpsons
Bart Simpson: I want to be emancipated!
Homer Simpson: Emancipated? Don't you like being a dude?
The Simpsons
Meet Me Halfway
Never dream't I would hope
While I count the miles
Through the wind and the rain
I can see your smile
There ain't no turning back
I can see it in the distance
Got it in my sight
Like a vision like a face
Coming out of the sky
You were there not a dream
You were there in my eyes
There ain't no turning back
I can see it in the distance
Touch it through the night
Driving into the light
When I'm on my own
When I'm all alone
Won't you meet me halfway
Won't you meet me halfway
Is it a dream?
Is it a dream coming true?
Meet me halfway
Like a vision like a face
Coming out of the sky
You were there not a dream
You were there in my eyes
There are no words to say
I can see you in the distance
Hear you through the night
Ain't no easy way
When you're on your own
When you're all alone
Won't you meet me halfway
Won't you meet me halfway
Is it a dream?
Is it a dream coming true?
Meet me halfway
Moody Blues
Never dream't I would hope
While I count the miles
Through the wind and the rain
I can see your smile
There ain't no turning back
I can see it in the distance
Got it in my sight
Like a vision like a face
Coming out of the sky
You were there not a dream
You were there in my eyes
There ain't no turning back
I can see it in the distance
Touch it through the night
Driving into the light
When I'm on my own
When I'm all alone
Won't you meet me halfway
Won't you meet me halfway
Is it a dream?
Is it a dream coming true?
Meet me halfway
Like a vision like a face
Coming out of the sky
You were there not a dream
You were there in my eyes
There are no words to say
I can see you in the distance
Hear you through the night
Ain't no easy way
When you're on your own
When you're all alone
Won't you meet me halfway
Won't you meet me halfway
Is it a dream?
Is it a dream coming true?
Meet me halfway
Moody Blues
The Wise Man said to me:
"The Fool stays on the course when he knows it is not the Right direction"
The Wise Man said to me:
"The Fool stays on the course when he knows it is not the Right direction"
Poop Bag
On my block, a lot of people walk their dogs, and I always see them walking along with their little poop bags, which to me is just the lowest function of human life. If aliens are watching this through telescopes, they're gonna think the dogs are the leaders. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume was in charge?
On my block, a lot of people walk their dogs, and I always see them walking along with their little poop bags, which to me is just the lowest function of human life. If aliens are watching this through telescopes, they're gonna think the dogs are the leaders. If you see two life forms, one of them's making a poop, the other one's carrying it for him, who would you assume was in charge?
Tear Down The Walls
Are we hypnotised
Seeing shadows in the air
The world of lost horizons
The devil's in despair
Are we strong enough
To climb up to the sky
The wizard of the holy
Is strong enough to fly
The Moon was rising
With his power shining bright
The heat from down under
From the curse that wasn't right
Not right
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Can we open our ears
And hear the voices are calling
Calling out your name
It's not the end of the game
Are we fools enough
To cut the edge of a rainbow
(As) we're running out of time
Are we evil or divine?
The Moon was rising
With his power shining bright
The heat from down under
From the curse that wasn't right
Not right
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Oooh uoooh yeeeah
Tear down the walls
Axel Rudi Pell
Are we hypnotised
Seeing shadows in the air
The world of lost horizons
The devil's in despair
Are we strong enough
To climb up to the sky
The wizard of the holy
Is strong enough to fly
The Moon was rising
With his power shining bright
The heat from down under
From the curse that wasn't right
Not right
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Can we open our ears
And hear the voices are calling
Calling out your name
It's not the end of the game
Are we fools enough
To cut the edge of a rainbow
(As) we're running out of time
Are we evil or divine?
The Moon was rising
With his power shining bright
The heat from down under
From the curse that wasn't right
Not right
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
As the Moon eclipsed the Sun
Tear down the walls
The temple's left undone
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Tear down the walls
Lightning strikes the Sun
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Tear down the walls
Lonely on the run
Oooh uoooh yeeeah
Tear down the walls
Axel Rudi Pell
Right Value
"If you really do put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price."
"If you really do put a small value upon yourself, rest assured that the world will not raise your price."
Don't Need Your Money
Homer: I don't need your pity or your money.[pockets money]
Ron Howard: Usually when you say that, you give the money back.
The Simpsons
Homer: I don't need your pity or your money.[pockets money]
Ron Howard: Usually when you say that, you give the money back.
The Simpsons
Burned Chest
I feel my eyes hot
My head is burning
I feel my eyes hot
My blood continues running
Strange and unknown felling
Odd visions... images
Journeys into inner self
Where am I roaming?
I still feel that fire
Burning in my chest
My old and awful scars
In contrast with a bird in its nest
Time passes, as the wind blows my life book
Pages of guilt, anger and tragedy
Summer`s sand blow into my hot eyes
I really don`t know my state of reality
I really don`t know my state of reality
The strength of awful visions
Invading my conscious
The fire conquests
My supposed future promises
Morbid Death
I feel my eyes hot
My head is burning
I feel my eyes hot
My blood continues running
Strange and unknown felling
Odd visions... images
Journeys into inner self
Where am I roaming?
I still feel that fire
Burning in my chest
My old and awful scars
In contrast with a bird in its nest
Time passes, as the wind blows my life book
Pages of guilt, anger and tragedy
Summer`s sand blow into my hot eyes
I really don`t know my state of reality
I really don`t know my state of reality
The strength of awful visions
Invading my conscious
The fire conquests
My supposed future promises
Morbid Death
"Familiarity breeds contempt, while rarity wins admiration."
Apuleius - Roman philosopher, rhetorician, & satirist (124 AD - 170 AD)
"Familiarity breeds contempt, while rarity wins admiration."
Apuleius - Roman philosopher, rhetorician, & satirist (124 AD - 170 AD)
Normal People
(Kramer enters.)
Kramer: Sorry, I can't watch the dog tonight.
Jerry: Why?
Elaine: We're going to the movies, we're gonna see Prognosis Negative.
Kramer: I can't, I gotta get this Ellen out of my life.
Jerry: You're breaking up?
Kramer: Oh ho ho ho yeah, the sooner the better. I can't wait to do it. You know how there's some people you worry about whether you're going to hurt their feelings? With her, I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to get it on video, watch it in slow motion and freeze frame it. Oh ho, yeah.
Elaine: Kramer, I don't know how you lasted as long as you did.
Kramer: Woah, you didn't like her?
Elaine: If you could see her personality it would be like one of the Elephant Man exhibits, you know where they pull off the sheet and everyone gasps.
Jerry: I can't believe someone hasn't killed her yet.
Kramer: How come you never said anything?
Jerry: You can't tell someone how you feel about their girlfriend until after they stop seeing them.
Kramer: I tell you.
Jerry: You. I'm talking about people.
(Kramer enters.)
Kramer: Sorry, I can't watch the dog tonight.
Jerry: Why?
Elaine: We're going to the movies, we're gonna see Prognosis Negative.
Kramer: I can't, I gotta get this Ellen out of my life.
Jerry: You're breaking up?
Kramer: Oh ho ho ho yeah, the sooner the better. I can't wait to do it. You know how there's some people you worry about whether you're going to hurt their feelings? With her, I'm looking forward to it. I'd like to get it on video, watch it in slow motion and freeze frame it. Oh ho, yeah.
Elaine: Kramer, I don't know how you lasted as long as you did.
Kramer: Woah, you didn't like her?
Elaine: If you could see her personality it would be like one of the Elephant Man exhibits, you know where they pull off the sheet and everyone gasps.
Jerry: I can't believe someone hasn't killed her yet.
Kramer: How come you never said anything?
Jerry: You can't tell someone how you feel about their girlfriend until after they stop seeing them.
Kramer: I tell you.
Jerry: You. I'm talking about people.
Longing for winter
Longing for cold
Bikeride through the snow
Blinded by darkness
Summer flows to the cemetery slow
Pink versus black
Black versus magenta
This picture of you
Just melts in my agenda
While seasons change you know
Yes, the season change you know
With the flow
Days just shorten
Days just glow
This fire keeps us warm
While this storm will uncover
Our secret place called
The cemetary dawn
Pink versus black
Black versus magenta
This picture of you
Just melts in my agenda
While seasons change you know
Yes, season change you know
( Look left )
With the flow
( Look down )
( Look up )
( Look right )
( You're camouflaged by a wall of blue )
( And turn the world magenta ... )
Longing for winter
Longing for cold
Bikeride through the snow
Blinded by darkness
Summer flows to the cemetery slow
Pink versus black
Black versus magenta
This picture of you
Just melts in my agenda
While seasons change you know
Yes, the season change you know
With the flow
Days just shorten
Days just glow
This fire keeps us warm
While this storm will uncover
Our secret place called
The cemetary dawn
Pink versus black
Black versus magenta
This picture of you
Just melts in my agenda
While seasons change you know
Yes, season change you know
( Look left )
With the flow
( Look down )
( Look up )
( Look right )
( You're camouflaged by a wall of blue )
( And turn the world magenta ... )
Good Friends
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."
"Good friends are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossible to forget."
Mr. Burns: I can't be responsible for what my goons are ordered to do.
The Simpsons
Mr. Burns: I can't be responsible for what my goons are ordered to do.
The Simpsons
Underwater Love
~Looking down into the water
It's hard to make out your face
If our love is drowning, then why
Do I feel so out of place?
Bubbling up to the surface
Are you getting a breath of fresh air?
Forever longing to make you mine
But I can't escape your stare...
Liquid seeps into your lungs
But your eyes look so serene
It's wonderful how the surface ripples
But you're perfect, and I cannot breathe
Forever longing to make you mine
But I can't escape your stare...
Hold me closer, keep me near
My underwater love
Hold me closer, keep me near
I'll never get enough
Touch me from below
I'll never let you go
But I can't escape
Faith No More
~Looking down into the water
It's hard to make out your face
If our love is drowning, then why
Do I feel so out of place?
Bubbling up to the surface
Are you getting a breath of fresh air?
Forever longing to make you mine
But I can't escape your stare...
Liquid seeps into your lungs
But your eyes look so serene
It's wonderful how the surface ripples
But you're perfect, and I cannot breathe
Forever longing to make you mine
But I can't escape your stare...
Hold me closer, keep me near
My underwater love
Hold me closer, keep me near
I'll never get enough
Touch me from below
I'll never let you go
But I can't escape
Faith No More
Precious And Valuable Thing
"When you kill one enemy, you then must plan for the one hundred enemies you have now created. No enemy ever stands alone. He comes with a mother and father, brothers and sisters. He has a wife and children, friends and neighbors. When you kill this enemy, you must be ready to face the angry revenge that comes from the grief of this loss for all the people who knew and loved this man. The only way to stop this endless chain of enemy killing enemy is to forgive it. And in doing so, teach each one that life is the most important, precious and valuable thing."
Anwarshah Anwary, Freedom-A Journey Through Afghanistan-The Anwarshah Anwary Story
"When you kill one enemy, you then must plan for the one hundred enemies you have now created. No enemy ever stands alone. He comes with a mother and father, brothers and sisters. He has a wife and children, friends and neighbors. When you kill this enemy, you must be ready to face the angry revenge that comes from the grief of this loss for all the people who knew and loved this man. The only way to stop this endless chain of enemy killing enemy is to forgive it. And in doing so, teach each one that life is the most important, precious and valuable thing."
Anwarshah Anwary, Freedom-A Journey Through Afghanistan-The Anwarshah Anwary Story
Jerry: I'm telling you the guy's a drunk, he's probably on a bender.
Elaine: What is a bender anyhow?
Jerry: I don't know, they drink and they bend things at the bar.
Jerry: I'm telling you the guy's a drunk, he's probably on a bender.
Elaine: What is a bender anyhow?
Jerry: I don't know, they drink and they bend things at the bar.
Quem és Tu, De Novo?
Quando a janela se fecha e se transforma num ovo
Ou se desfaz em estilhaços de céu azul e magenta
E o meu olhar tem razões que o coração não frequenta
Por favor diz-me quem és tu, de novo?
Quando o teu cheiro me leva às esquinas do vislumbre
E toda a verdade em ti é coisa incerta e tão vasta
Quem sou eu para negar que a tua presença me arrasta?
Quem és tu, na imensidão do deslumbre?
As redes são passageiras, as arquitecturas da fuga
De toda a água que corre, de todo o vento que passa
Quando uma teia se rasga ergo à lua a minha taça
E vejo nascer no espelho mais uma ruga
Quando o tecto se escancara e se confunde com a lua
A apontar-me o caminho melhor do que qualquer estrela
Ninguém me faz duvidar que foste sempre a mais bela
Por favor, diz-me que és alguém, de novo?
Quando a janela se fecha e se transforma num ovo
Ou se desfaz em estilhaços de céu azul e magenta
E o meu olhar tem razões que o coração não frequenta
Por favor diz-me quem és tu, de novo?
Jorge Palma
Quando a janela se fecha e se transforma num ovo
Ou se desfaz em estilhaços de céu azul e magenta
E o meu olhar tem razões que o coração não frequenta
Por favor diz-me quem és tu, de novo?
Quando o teu cheiro me leva às esquinas do vislumbre
E toda a verdade em ti é coisa incerta e tão vasta
Quem sou eu para negar que a tua presença me arrasta?
Quem és tu, na imensidão do deslumbre?
As redes são passageiras, as arquitecturas da fuga
De toda a água que corre, de todo o vento que passa
Quando uma teia se rasga ergo à lua a minha taça
E vejo nascer no espelho mais uma ruga
Quando o tecto se escancara e se confunde com a lua
A apontar-me o caminho melhor do que qualquer estrela
Ninguém me faz duvidar que foste sempre a mais bela
Por favor, diz-me que és alguém, de novo?
Quando a janela se fecha e se transforma num ovo
Ou se desfaz em estilhaços de céu azul e magenta
E o meu olhar tem razões que o coração não frequenta
Por favor diz-me quem és tu, de novo?
Jorge Palma
Lisa: Dad, what's a Muppet?
Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop, it's not quite a puppet, but man...[laughs hysterically] So to answer your question, I don't know.
The Simpsons
Lisa: Dad, what's a Muppet?
Homer: Well, it's not quite a mop, it's not quite a puppet, but man...[laughs hysterically] So to answer your question, I don't know.
The Simpsons
To Be With You
Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
Mr. Big
Hold on little girl
Show me what he's done to you
Stand up little girl
A broken heart can't be that bad
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
I'm the one who wants to be with you
Deep inside I hope you feel it too
Waited on a line of greens and blues
Just to be the next to be with you
Build up your confidence
So you can be on top for once
wake up who cares about
Little boys that talk too much
I've seen it all go down
Your game of love was all rained out
So come on baby, come on over
Let me be the one to hold you
Why be alone when we can be together baby
You can make my life worthwhile
And I can make you start to smile
When it's through, it's through
Fate will twist the both of you
So come on baby come on over
Let me be the one to show you
Mr. Big
We're Flying!
So I'm on the plane, we left late. Pilot says we're going to be making up sometime in the air. I thought, well isn't that interesting. We'll just make up time. That's why you have to reset your watch when you land.
So I'm on the plane, we left late. Pilot says we're going to be making up sometime in the air. I thought, well isn't that interesting. We'll just make up time. That's why you have to reset your watch when you land.
Of course, when they say they're making up time, obviously they're increasing the speed of the aircraft. Now, my question is if you can go faster, why don't you just go as fast as you can all the time? C'mon, there's no cops up here, nail it. Give it some gas! We're flying!
Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.
And no-one called us to the land
And no-one knows the wheres or whys
But something stirs and something tries
And starts to climb towards the light
Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand the best I can
And no-one calls us to move on
And no-one forces down our eyes
And no-one speaks and no-one tries
And no-one flies around the sun
Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inciting and inviting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning
And no-one sings me lullabies
And no-one makes me close my eyes
And so I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky
Pink Floyd
Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves
The echo of a distant time
Comes willowing across the sand
And everything is green and submarine.
And no-one called us to the land
And no-one knows the wheres or whys
But something stirs and something tries
And starts to climb towards the light
Strangers passing in the street
By chance two separate glances meet
And I am you and what I see is me
And do I take you by the hand
And lead you through the land
And help me understand the best I can
And no-one calls us to move on
And no-one forces down our eyes
And no-one speaks and no-one tries
And no-one flies around the sun
Cloudless everyday you fall upon my waking eyes
inciting and inviting me to rise
And through the window in the wall
Come streaming in on sunlight wings
A million bright ambassadors of morning
And no-one sings me lullabies
And no-one makes me close my eyes
And so I throw the windows wide
And call to you across the sky
Pink Floyd
Shout At The Devil
Shout shout shout
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night
He's the blood stain on the stage
He's the tear in your eye
Being tempted by his lies
He's the knife in your back
He's rage
He's the razor to the knife
Oh, lonely is our lives
My head's spinnin' round and round
But in the seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Shout shout shout
He'll be the love in your eyes
He'll be the blood between your thighs
And then have you Crying for more
He'll put strength to the test
He'll put the thrill back in bed
Sure you've heard it all before
He'll be the risk in the kiss
Might be anger on your lips
Might run scared for the door
But in seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night
He's the blood stain on the stage
He's the tear in your eye
Being tempted by his lies
He's the knife in your back
He's rage
He's the razor to the knife
Oh, lonely is our lives
My head's spinnin' round and round
But in the seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Mötley Crüe
Shout shout shout
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night
He's the blood stain on the stage
He's the tear in your eye
Being tempted by his lies
He's the knife in your back
He's rage
He's the razor to the knife
Oh, lonely is our lives
My head's spinnin' round and round
But in the seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Shout shout shout
He'll be the love in your eyes
He'll be the blood between your thighs
And then have you Crying for more
He'll put strength to the test
He'll put the thrill back in bed
Sure you've heard it all before
He'll be the risk in the kiss
Might be anger on your lips
Might run scared for the door
But in seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
He's the wolf screaming lonely in the night
He's the blood stain on the stage
He's the tear in your eye
Being tempted by his lies
He's the knife in your back
He's rage
He's the razor to the knife
Oh, lonely is our lives
My head's spinnin' round and round
But in the seasons of wither
We'll stand and deliver
Be strong and laugh and
Shout shout shout
Shout at the devil
Mötley Crüe
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations, 200 A.D. - Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
"Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations, 200 A.D. - Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
I was audited last year. At first I thought well, IRS kinda sounds like Toys R Us maybe won't be so bad. Maybe they have a sense of fun about it, you know. But it's it's bad. It's an ordeal. And they don't do anything to keep your spirits up through the ordeal. I think they should take all your receipts and put them in one of those big Lucite sweepstake and just kinda crank it around there. You know give me a feeling like you might win something. You know what I mean? Then they can pull them out one by one and go "Oh, I'm sorry that's another illegal deduction. But we do have some lovely parting gifts for you. Jail!"
I was audited last year. At first I thought well, IRS kinda sounds like Toys R Us maybe won't be so bad. Maybe they have a sense of fun about it, you know. But it's it's bad. It's an ordeal. And they don't do anything to keep your spirits up through the ordeal. I think they should take all your receipts and put them in one of those big Lucite sweepstake and just kinda crank it around there. You know give me a feeling like you might win something. You know what I mean? Then they can pull them out one by one and go "Oh, I'm sorry that's another illegal deduction. But we do have some lovely parting gifts for you. Jail!"
Of Keeping, The Fire Down
Now in hand,
a choice ahead.
Buried in sand.
Once blessed, now dead.
Wake from my dream
so it may seem still I regret
And I make sure is?
All is gone
(To the hate hunting me)
Still lost, somehow.
To understand I must?
I dig with both hands
through a promise I kept
Deeper I love, more I awake
And all that I took
was not mine to take
All is gone
(To the hate hunting me)
Still lost, somehow.
(to the tears blinding me)
Mortal Love
Now in hand,
a choice ahead.
Buried in sand.
Once blessed, now dead.
Wake from my dream
so it may seem still I regret
And I make sure is?
All is gone
(To the hate hunting me)
Still lost, somehow.
To understand I must?
I dig with both hands
through a promise I kept
Deeper I love, more I awake
And all that I took
was not mine to take
All is gone
(To the hate hunting me)
Still lost, somehow.
(to the tears blinding me)
Mortal Love
Set Limits
Bart: Can I have a beer?
Homer: All right, but not the imported.
Marge: Homer!
Homer: You've got to set limits, Marge.
The Simpsons
Bart: Can I have a beer?
Homer: All right, but not the imported.
Marge: Homer!
Homer: You've got to set limits, Marge.
The Simpsons
Free Love
Free love oh what is it
Free love oh I can't stand it it's a panic
Normally love costs a bundle and plenty of trouble
But you fooled me you fooled me
You ran away to Italy
You fooled me
Yea you fooled me you fooled me
You ran away to Italy
With your psychiatrist who's now a scientologist
Oh I should have foreseen this
Business with your psychiatrist
Free love don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it (x3)
Don't bank on it baby free love
So the next time someone offers you free love you know it
You better run run for shelter run for help
Run for the nearest downtown lounge in the afternoon
For for the cynical arms of a stranger
Run for the open arms of an unknown tomorrow
Because love love love is expensive hea
Free love don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it
Don't bank on it baby free love
Don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it
Don't bank on it baby free love
Free love oh what is it
Free love oh I can't stand it it's a panic
Normally love costs a bundle and plenty of trouble
But you fooled me you fooled me
You ran away to Italy
You fooled me
Yea you fooled me you fooled me
You ran away to Italy
With your psychiatrist who's now a scientologist
Oh I should have foreseen this
Business with your psychiatrist
Free love don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it (x3)
Don't bank on it baby free love
So the next time someone offers you free love you know it
You better run run for shelter run for help
Run for the nearest downtown lounge in the afternoon
For for the cynical arms of a stranger
Run for the open arms of an unknown tomorrow
Because love love love is expensive hea
Free love don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it
Don't bank on it baby free love
Don't bank on it baby
Don't bank on it
Don't bank on it baby free love
So... Answer
The Wise Man said to me:
"Those questions that keep haunting your mind are not torturing you. Just waiting for your answer"
The Wise Man said to me:
"Those questions that keep haunting your mind are not torturing you. Just waiting for your answer"
Mental Institution
JERRY: A mental institution?
KRAMER: You know what they do in there? Did you see CooCoo's Nest? They put those electrodes in your head.
GEORGE: It's not really a mental institution. It's more like a depression clinic. She went out to Woodhaven and checked herself in. I'm, I'm sick over this.
ELAINE: Who told you this?
GEORGE: Her roommate. I've driven women to lesbianism before but never to a mental institution.
JERRY: A mental institution?
KRAMER: You know what they do in there? Did you see CooCoo's Nest? They put those electrodes in your head.
GEORGE: It's not really a mental institution. It's more like a depression clinic. She went out to Woodhaven and checked herself in. I'm, I'm sick over this.
ELAINE: Who told you this?
GEORGE: Her roommate. I've driven women to lesbianism before but never to a mental institution.
1000 Points Of Light
You can sail in the desert with a ship of fools
You can smuggle in Moses and his book of rules
But you can't take a mother and give her back her son
What kind of freedom is bought with a gun?
People like to build their prison walls
When they're afraid to look inside a...
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
Political speeches, they're lying in the mud
Nothing else matters but money and blood
Tyranny of freedom is do what you like
There's a world gone crazy, 'cos it can't say no
People like to build their prison walls
When they're afraid to look inside a...
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
[George Bush:]
'What is it that produces the light?'
'What is it that makes these thousand points of light shine?'
'What is it that will make America a kinder and gentler nation?'
erhaps I should ask who, who is it?'
There should be time for love
But there's too much room for hate
Too much sliding of the truth
Too much abuse of wasted youth
There's a time for dying
And a time for living, too
Had enough of media lies
Had enough of your alibis
A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold...
Bruce Dickinson
You can sail in the desert with a ship of fools
You can smuggle in Moses and his book of rules
But you can't take a mother and give her back her son
What kind of freedom is bought with a gun?
People like to build their prison walls
When they're afraid to look inside a...
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
Political speeches, they're lying in the mud
Nothing else matters but money and blood
Tyranny of freedom is do what you like
There's a world gone crazy, 'cos it can't say no
People like to build their prison walls
When they're afraid to look inside a...
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
[George Bush:]
'What is it that produces the light?'
'What is it that makes these thousand points of light shine?'
'What is it that will make America a kinder and gentler nation?'
There should be time for love
But there's too much room for hate
Too much sliding of the truth
Too much abuse of wasted youth
There's a time for dying
And a time for living, too
Had enough of media lies
Had enough of your alibis
A thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold
Thousand points of light
Are the muzzle flashes in the night
And the freedoms you profess to hold
Won't bring the dead back from the cold...
Bruce Dickinson
Happy Life
"Very little is needed to make a happy life."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations - Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
"Very little is needed to make a happy life."
Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Meditations - Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
Good Scare, Good Scare
Darren: We're going to scare him.
ELizabeth: We're going to scare him?
Darren: That's right just drive towards him. He'll move. Nobody wants to die.
ELizabeth: Well, that's a freakin' fact. Least of all us.
Darren: Will you just drive? He'll get out of our way.
[she drives up to Jason and stops and Jason doesn't move]
ELizabeth: Yeah. That really scared the shit out of him.
Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives
Darren: We're going to scare him.
ELizabeth: We're going to scare him?
Darren: That's right just drive towards him. He'll move. Nobody wants to die.
ELizabeth: Well, that's a freakin' fact. Least of all us.
Darren: Will you just drive? He'll get out of our way.
[she drives up to Jason and stops and Jason doesn't move]
ELizabeth: Yeah. That really scared the shit out of him.
Friday the 13th VI: Jason Lives
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