Sunday, April 6, 2008

Yes It Is


-Yes momma.
-I'm so proud of you. Do you know that?
-Yes momma.
-I want you to do me a favor, please. Remember this. Remember today. All the joy in this room is because of you.
-And Santa!
-Him too. You see, what you've done is give me a chance to remind us all of what's importan in this life. Our families. Our friends. Please never forget those you care for. Always find time to be with them. And never, EVER desert them in a time of need. That's how you show you care. How people know you love them,
-I'll remember. Mommy?
-Yes, Greggy?
-Isn't this the best christmas ever?
-Yes it is, son. Yes it is."


Merry Christmas to all

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