Friday, December 26, 2008

Plenty Of Time


"JERRY: So I know this guy. I'm getting all my sneakers at a discount now.
VANESSA: I know. You mentioned it.
JERRY: Oh yeah, right. (To himself) Oh God. Get me out of here. What a mistake. What made me think this would work? And I've still got another day! I've got nothing left to say. Wait.. wait.. got one. (To Vanessa) That's a nice watch. Do you wind it?
VANESSA: No, it's got a little battery.
JERRY: Well, that's good. (To himself) Well, the drive home should be a delight. I'm speeding the whole way. Let them throw me in jail. I don't care. (To Vanessa) That' the manager? Do you want me to see if we can get another room?
VANESSA: No, it's okay.
JERRY: So, I guess you don't find the separate faucets for the hot and cold - charming?
VANESSA: Not especially.
JERRY: Well, what do you want to do this afternoon?
VANESSA: What can we do? It's raining.
JERRY: We cold play "Sorry!" We cold play "Steal the Old Man's Bundle." (To himself) Maybe I can get an extension cord and hang myself. (To Vanessa) What kind of perfume is that you're wearing?
VANESSA: Oh, you've never heard of it.
JERRY: No, what? What kind is it?
VANESSA: I can't tell you.
JERRY: (To himself) Yeah, that's normal. (Out loud, to a man nearby) Excuse me, Sir. Could I have a look at that business section?
VANESSA: That stock? I thought you got out of that?
JERRY: I did. I'm just curious. It's been almost a week. I want to check it out. (finds stock) Six points. It's up six points!
VANESSA: I told you not to sell.
JERRY: You did not tell me not to sell.
VANESSA: I said, the market fluctuates. Remember?
JERRY: Look, Vanessa, of course the market fluctuates. Everybody knows that. I just got fluctuated out of four thousand dollars!
VANESSA: That's probably why.. (stops herself)
JERRY: What?
VANESSA: Forget it.
JERRY: No, what? 'That's probably why..'
VANESSA: That's probably why we're staying here, because you lost money on the stock.
JERRY: (To himself) So, what am I looking at here? Twenty=nine hours to go. Well, at least I got plenty of time to find out the name of that perfume.."


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