Friday, February 11, 2011

Back On Schedule


[NBC's waiting room]

Jerry: You see the look on my uncle's face? Did you see how insulted he was? What could I do? What are we supposed to do? You can't leave. There's no excuse good enough to justify walking away from a conversation with one of my relatives.
George: I didn't shave this morning. I don't feel like myself.
Jerry: You could be a fireman on a fire truck on the way to a fire. You bump into one of my relatives. 'I'm sorry Uncle Leo, there's a building full of people burning down. I really do have to be running.' He'll go: 'Go. Go ahead. Go to your fancy fire. If that's what you have to do.'
George: Look at this.
Jerry: Why didn't you shave this morning?
George: 'Cause I shaved yesterday in the afternoon.
Jerry: Why?
George: Because of the day before. It's a long story. [Jerry looks down the hall.] Can't get back on schedule.


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