Friday, August 15, 2008



An African myth about a frog

"On a day when little water was to be found, Man spent awhile in thought and realized that he might one day die, never to rise again. Man sent Dog to God to ask that he might come back to life again, like the flowering plan, after death.
Dog went off and followed his nose toward God. He was soon distracted by the smell of soup, and followed his hunger towards the source. Leaning close to watch it boil, Dog was content and forgot his mission.
Seeing that Dog was lost, Frog took it upon himself to go to God and tell Him that Man should not live again. If Man were to reborn, thought Frog, he would soon muddy the rivers and destroy the birth places of frogs.
Dog finally arrived to tell God Man's message.
Leaning low, he crooned Man's need for rebirth in the song of his howl. God was touched by the devotion of Dog for Man.

But God granted the Frog's wish, because he got there first

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