Monday, July 7, 2008



"-Listen to me! Free me and you may take revenge upon savage and...
-I would rather examine this locket, my knight. It so fascinated me last night...!
-Replace tat, witch, or...!
-You wonder why you were spared. You would deem it "God's will"... but intruth, I found your aspect comely...and my aspect can be whatever I so choose...even that of your most beloved
"It was my Martha, once again, young and strong and beautiful."
-Oh yes...!
"...And warm and soft and..."
-Stop! You are not her!
-But I can be... I can give you every passion she ever did! Any pleasure and joy.
-Any but those of the soul...And it was her soul I did most love.
-You men! Why do you always want what you can never have?"

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