Tuesday, October 14, 2008



GEORGE - Jerry? I have to tell you something. This is the dullest moment I've ever experienced.

JERRY - You didn't even hear how she sounded.

GEORGE - What?

JERRY - Laura.

GEORGE - I can't believe--we already discussed this!

JERRY - Yeah, but how could you be so sure?

GEORGE Because it's signals [snapping fingers fast] Jerry! It's signals! Don't you, ohhh! [stops snapping] All right. Did she even ask you what you were doing tomorrow night, if you were busy?


GEORGE - She calls you today? She doesn't make a plan for tomorrow? What is that!? It's Saturday night!

JERRY - Yeah.

GEORGE - What is that?! It's ridiculous! You don't even know what hotel she's staying at! You can't call her! That's a signal, Jerry. That's a signal. Signals. [snapping some more, paces away]

JERRY - Maybe you're right!

GEORGE - [to another CUSTOMER] Maybe I'm right! Of course I'm right.

JERRY - This is insane. You know, I don't even know where she's staying! She's--she's not gonna call me. Unbelievable!

GEORGE - [comes to him, quietly wryly consoling] I know, I know.
Listen. Your stuff has to be done by now. Why don't you just see if it's dry? Just--you know--

JERRY - No, no, no! Don't interrupt the cycle. The machine is working! It--it knows what it's doing; just let it finish.

GEORGE - You're gonna over dry it.

JERRY - Ya--Ya can't over dry.

GEORGE - Why not?!

JERRY - Same reason you can't over wet. See, once something is wet, it's Wet. Same thing with Death. Like, once you die, you're dead. Right? Let's say you drop dead an' I shoot you. You're not gonna die again; you're already dead! Ya can't over die, ya can't over dry!

GEORGE - [looks around and gestures to CUSTOMERS] Any questions? [goes, leans on dryer again, waiting]

JERRY - [pause] How could she not tell me where she was staying?

GEORGE - [surreptitiously opens dryer door just enough to turn it off, then, shuts it again] Look at that! They're done!


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