Sunday, July 26, 2009

Mr. Johnson


ELAINE: hell-oo
KRAMER: hell-oo
JERRY: What's with you two?
ELAINE: You haven't told him?
JERRY: Tell me what?
ELAINE: Huh, go ahead, tell him.
KRAMER: I, I saw her naked.
ELAINE: He saw me naked. Kramer, ... saw me naked.
KRAMER: Well, you know, ... it was an accident.
ELAINE: Who walks into a woman's bedroom without knocking. I want to know!
KRAMER: I thought it was a closet.
JERRY: Completely naked?
KRAMER: Completely naked.
ELAINE: Jerrryyy, How can I go on?
KRAMER: All right. I'll tell you what. If it's going to make you feel any better you can see me naked.

ELAINE: No thanks!
KRAMER: No, I want you to see me naked.
ELAINE: No, no no.
KRAMER: No, I want to show you.
ELAINE: No! Jerry! Jerry!
JERRY: OK, just a second lets not lose our heads here. Kramer you know you are always welcome in my
home but as far as Mr. Johnson is concerned, that's another story.


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