Friday, December 26, 2008

Right Off 2


"MARLENE: ..So, it must've been ninety-five degrees that night, and everyone's just standing around the pool with little drinks in their hands. I was wearing my old jeans and T-shirt. And I don't know, I was just in one of those moods - so I said to myself, "Marlene, just do it," and I jumped in. And as I'm getting out, I feel all these eyes on me, and I look up and everyone is just staring at me.
JERRY: So what'd you do?
MARLENE: Well, nothing. It's not skin off my hide if people like to look. I just didn't see what the big attraction was.
JERRY: Well, I have a general idea what it was. I could take a guess.
MARLENE: (Laughs) Hey, you know, Jerry, just because George and I don't see each other anymore, it doesn't mean we shouldn't stay friends.
MARLENE: Good enough. I'm really glad we got that settled.
(Scene ends)
[Setting: Chiropractor waiting room]
JERRY: (Irritated) I don't know how this happened.
GEORGE: Jerry, it's not my fault.
JERRY: No, no. It's not your fault. Books, books, I need my books. Have you re-read those books yet, by the way? You know the great thing? When you read Moby Dick the second time, Ahab and the whale become good friends. You know, it's not like Marlene's a bad person or anything, but, my God! I mean, we've had like three lunches and a movie. And she never stops calling. (George nods - he knows exactly what Jerry's talking about) And it's these meaningless, purposeless, blather calls. She never asks if I'm busy or anything. I just pick up the phone and she's in the middle of a sentence.
GEORGE: That's standard. Has she left you one of those messages where she uses up the whole machine?
JERRY: Ohh.. you know, and sometimes she'll go, "Hello, Jerry?" and I'll go "Oh, hi Marlene." And then it's "Jerry.."
GEORGE: What about getting off the phone?
JERRY: Ohhhh.. you can't. It's impossible. There's no break in the conversation where you can go, "Alright, then.. " You know, it just goes on and on and on with out a break in the wall. I mean, I gotta put a stop to this.
GEORGE: Just do it like a Band-Aid. One motion, right off!"


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