Thursday, March 4, 2010

Allow Me


*Jerry wakes up and looks to guy opposite to him. The fat guy is naked and reading a paper.*

Jerry: O-K. You realize of course, you're naked?
Naked man: Naked, dressed. I don't see any difference.
Jerry: You oughta' sit here. There is a difference.
Naked man: You got something against naked body?
Jerry: I got something against yours. How about a couple of deep knee bends, maybe a squat thrust?
Naked man: Who's got time for squat thrusts?
Jerry: All right, how about skipping breakfast. I'm guessing you're not a 'half-grapefruit and black coffee' guy.
Naked man: I like a good breakfast.
Jerry: I understand, I like good breakfast. Long as you don't wind up trapped in a room with bimbo broals and pigtails, been counseled by Dick Gregory.
Naked man: I'm not ashamed of my body.
Jerry: That's your problem, you should be.
*Naked man drops half of his newspaper*
Jerry: Don't get up, please, allow me.
*Jerry picks up the paper*


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