Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Jumble


[George enters]
GEORGE: Well it's over. It's definitely over.
JERRY: She broke up with you?
GEORGE: No, but I can tell she's going to. I can sense it. We had this terrible phone conversation. I was so nervous before I called I made up this whole list of things to talk about.
JERRY: What was on the list?
GEORGE: Let's see, How I'm very good at going in reverse in my car, why isn't Postum a more popular drink,
JERRY: Yeah, Postum is under-ratted,
GEORGE: Anyway there was all this tension. I asked her if she wanted to go out to dinner and she said "no, maybe we could get together for lunch." You know what that means.
JERRY: What's wrong with lunch?
GEORGE: Lunch is fine at the beginning then you move on to dinner. you don't move back to lunch. It's like being demoted. I'll never do another crossword puzzle with her again. I know it.
KRAMER: I like the Jumble. You ever do the Jumble?


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