Monday, June 8, 2009

I Hope To Do It Again


Jerry: What are you doing? All right, all right. What's the matter with that? What about that one?

Elaine: Robert Vaughn, The Helsinki Formula?

Jerry: He was good in Man From Uncle.

Elaine: Guess whose birthday's comin' up soon?

Jerry: I know, I'm having my root canal the same week.

Elaine: Oh, right. I hope you have a good oral surgeon because that can be very serious. (Changes channel) Hey, look at naked people.

Jerry: No, I don't wanna see the naked people.

Elaine: Been a while?

Jerry: I have a vague recollection of doing something with someone, but it was a long, long time ago.

Elaine: I think my last time was in Rochester. My hair was a lot shorter.

Jerry: I remember that it's a good thing. Someday, I hope to do it again.


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