Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Toilet Paper


George - What did they do for toilet paper in the Civil War?
Jerry - What...?
George - Wonder what toilet paper was like in the 1860s? Did they...? Did they carry it in rolls in their duffel bags?
Jerry - Everything with you comes down to toilet paper.
George - What?
Jerry - That's always the first question with you. Why is that always your focus?
George - Alright, then what did they do?
Jerry - I don't know. Maybe they gave out big loose clumps to all the soldiers.
George - I think it would be nice if there was some sort of historical record of it.
Jerry - Maybe they should have a toilet-paper museum. Would you like that? So we could see all the toilet-paper advancements down through the ages. Toilet-paper during the Crusades. The development of the perforation. The first six-pack."


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