Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Can We Continue This Another Time?



JERRY: So you didn't even let the doctor treat you?
MORTY: I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
HELEN: Why did you leave your wallet in your pants?
MORTY: What are you talking about? What was I supposed to do? Hide it somewhere?
HELEN: Well. You could have taken it with you.
MORTY: Oh, yeah, I'd be lying on the X-Ray table with my wallet in my mouth.
(Leo enter)
LEO: Hello, ,hello.
JERRY: Hi Uncle Leo.
LEO: I just talked to Dr. Denvro's son. He said they almost had to call the police.
MORTY: What are you talking about? I'm the one who should have called the police. They stole my wallet.
LEO: You know how hard it was for me to get that appointment for you? You can't just walk in on this guy. He did me a personal favor.
MORTY: All right, Leo.
LEO: You walked out without paying.
MORTY: How was I supposed to pay? I didn't have my wallet.
LEO: Well, I hope you sent him a check.
MORTY: What for?
LEO: What for? This man was nice enough to see you. He did me a personal favor.
MORTY: That's the second time you said "personal favor". Why do you keep saying that?
LEO: I said it once.
MORTY: Twice! And Denvro doesn't even know you. His son happens to live on your floor.
HELEN: Leo, where did you get that watch?
LEO: You know where I got this? (flashback) I found it in the garbage can. It kept terrible time. I brought it over to Jimmy Sherman right here on 85th and Columbus. Gave it to me back the next day. Works great. What kind of idiot throws a way a perfectly good watch?
HELEN: Doesn't that watch look like the one we gave Jerry.
JERRY: Hey, where's the waiter. Dad, what say we have some red meat tonight. Let's live a . . (looking at watch)Can we continue this another time?


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