Thursday, September 30, 2010

That's Enough


Opening scene: Jerry's apartment in the middle of the night. Jerry comes out of his room. We hear his thoughts.

JERRY's brain: What is it about sleep that makes you so thirsty? Do dreams require liquid? It's not like I'm running a marathon, I'm just lying there. (Jerry notices his door is open) What the hell...? Why is the door open?
(Jerry looks out into the hallway, turns back into his apartment, and runs into Kramer in the dark. They both scream. Kramer turns on the light.)
JERRY: Kramer, what are you doing here!?
KRAMER: Jerry, now calm down, it's okay. I'm sorry. I didn't want to wake you up! Y'know, I was watching "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo," and I - y'know, I wanted to get some popcorn, and I, uh...I used the spare keys that you gave me to come into your apartment to get your popper.
JERRY: You scared me!
KRAMER: It's just me.
JERRY: That's enough!


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